Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Miracle Pine as a Ray of Hope

I was in New York at the moment.
My friend told me there was an earthquake. So what? There is a number of earthquakes constantly hit Japan.
Then, realized that is something different.
I tried to reach my family. They were all fine although they have to take hours of walking back home due to paralyzed transportation.
My relatives in Tohoku area where is the area around Fukushima were also fine.
However, on American TV, that shocking view of water swallowing cities was repeated over and over anywhere at home, in canteen and people were talking in school.
My Japanese school mates started asking people for donation in school. I did donate a bit of money through Lady Gaga's wrist band.
Depression was taking over me for weeks.

After the confusion, there were amazing story from the disaster. Crying for each one wishing for people who lost his/her beloved ones and survivors.

My friend had to give up his degree in America because his house was partly collapsed.
The other friend had lost his home in Hanshin-Awaji earthquake years ago.

Japan has a damaged baby, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. The country lost reputation and has to deal with it for the future.

This pine tree was only one remaining tree from a great hit of tsunami in Rikuzen-Takada, Iwate.
Unluckly, sea water is eroding the tree. It's been cut down and replaced with a sculpture.

Thank you for your life and a hope for us.

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